Gandhi Nursing Home

Growin toe nail


A frequent problem known as ingrown toenails occurs when the side or corner of a toenail grows into the soft tissue. Pain, swollen, inflammatory skin, and occasionally an infection are the outcome. The big toe is typically affected by ingrown toenails.

Pain, swollen, inflammatory skin, and occasionally an infection around the toenail can all result from an ingrown toenail.

Ingrown toenails are usually treatable on your own. Your healthcare professional can take action to ease your suffering and assist you in avoiding ingrown toenail issues if the pain is intense or spreading.

You run a higher risk of ingrown toenail issues if you have diabetes or another illness that reduces blood flow to your feet.


Ingrown toenail symptoms include:

  • Pain and tenderness
  • Inflamed skin
  • Swelling
  • Infection

Risk factors

The following variables raise your risk of ingrown toenails:

  • Adolescence causes feet to sweat more, which softens the skin and nails.
  • Practicing nail care techniques, including clipping nails excessively short or smoothing the edges, that promote the nail to grow into the skin.
  • Being less able to take care of your nails.
  • Putting on toe-constricting shoes.
  • Engaging in activities that put your toes at danger of damage, such kicking and running