The process used to treat infertility is called intrauterine insemination. IUI increases the likelihood of conception by injecting specifically prepared sperm into the uterus, the organ in which a baby is developed. Artificial insemination is another term for the process.
IUI involves inserting sperm at the same time when an ovary releases one or more eggs. The fallopian tube, which joins the uterus and ovaries, is where the sperm and egg are expected to merge. Pregnancy results if this occurs.
When to use intrauterine insemination depends on the individual’s menstrual cycle. An egg is released by one of the two ovaries once a month. If IUI is not enough to stimulate egg production, fertility medications may also be employed. The specific approach chosen will depend on the cause of infertility.

Why it’s done
A couple’s or a person’s ability to become pregnant depends on various things. Intrauterine insemination is used most often in people who have:
- Donor sperm. This is sperm donated by someone who may be known or unknown to you. It’s an option if you’re single, your partner doesn’t have sperm or the quality of the sperm is too low to conceive with. For people who need to use donor sperm to get pregnant, intrauterine insemination is most commonly used to achieve pregnancy. Donor sperm is obtained from certified labs and thawed before the IUI procedure.
- Unexplained infertility. Often, IUI is done as a first treatment for unexplained infertility. Medicines that help the ovaries produce eggs are commonly used along with it.
- Infertility related to endometriosis. Fertility problems can happen when tissue that’s like the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus. This is called endometriosis. Often, the first treatment approach for this cause of infertility is to use medicines to obtain a good-quality egg along with doing IUI.
- Mild male factor infertility. Another name for this is subfertility. Some couples have trouble getting pregnant because of semen, the fluid that contains sperm. A test called semen analysis checks for problems with the amount, size, shape or movement of sperm. Semen analysis checks for these issues. IUI can overcome some of these issues. That’s because preparing sperm for the procedure helps separate higher quality sperm from those of lower quality.
- Cervical factor infertility. Problems with the cervix can cause infertility. The cervix is the narrow, lower end of the uterus. It provides the opening between the vagina and uterus. The cervix makes mucus around the time the ovary releases an egg, also called ovulation. The mucus helps sperm travel from the vagina to either fallopian tube, where the egg awaits. But if cervical mucus is too thick, it may impede the sperm’s journey. The cervix itself also may prevent sperm from reaching the egg. Scarring, such as that caused by a biopsy or other procedures, can cause the cervix to thicken. IUI bypasses the cervix to make pregnancy more likely. It places sperm directly into the uterus and increases the number of sperm available to meet the egg.
- Ovulatory factor infertility. IUI also may be done for people who have infertility caused by problems with ovulation. These issues include a lack of ovulation or a reduced number of eggs.
- Semen allergy. Rarely, an allergy to proteins in semen can cause a reaction. When the penis releases semen into the vagina, it causes a burning feeling and swelling where the semen touches the skin. A condom can protect you from the symptoms, but it also prevents pregnancy. IUI can allow for pregnancy and prevent the painful symptoms of the allergy. That’s because many of the proteins in semen are removed before the sperm is inserted.
Intrauterine Copulation(IUI) at Gandhi Nursing Home
Intrauterine copulation( IUI) is a fertility treatment that involves placing especially set sperm directly into the uterus to increase the chances of generality. This procedure is also known as artificial copulation and can be used as a result of colorful gravidity issues.
When is IUI Necessary?
IUI is recommended for couples passing gravidity issues, similar to:
- Mild manly gravidity, including low sperm count or dropped motility.
- Unexplained gravidity where the exact cause is unknown.
- Cervical mucus problems that can hamper sperm from reaching the egg.
- Ovulation diseases that affect the release of eggs.
- Same-coitus couples or single women seeking gestation with patron sperm.
Types of IUI at Gandhi Nursing Home
Natural Cycle IUI
- Performed during a woman’s natural ovulation cycle without using fertility specifics.
- Ideal for women who have regular ovulation and don’t bear ovulation stimulation.
Medicated Cycle IUI
- Involves fertility specifics to stimulate the ovaries to release one or more eggs during the IUI process.
- Recommended for women with irregular ovulation or cases where increased chances of generality are asked.
What to Anticipate Before IUI
Before starting the IUI process, a thorough assessment is carried out. This includes
- Blood work and ultrasounds to estimate ovarian function and the uterus.
- Semen analysis to assess sperm count and motility.
- A discussion to determine the most applicable treatment plan, whether natural or treated.
The Day of IUI at Gandhi Nursing Home
On the day of the procedure:
- You’ll be asked to arrive at the clinic when you’re close to ovulation, determined by either your natural cycle or after using specifics to spark ovulation.
- A semen sample, either from your mate or a patron, is prepared in the lab to elect the healthiest sperm.
- The sperm is fitted into the uterus through a thin catheter. The procedure is quick and effortless, frequently lasting about 10 twinkles.
Recovery and Aftercare at Gandhi Nursing Home
Post-IUI, cases can renew their normal conditioning incontinently, though mild cramping or finding may do. Two weeks after the procedure, a gestation test will be listed to determine if the treatment was successful. During this time, our platoon will give guidance and support, answering any questions you may have.
Why Choose Gandhi Nursing Home for IUI?
Expert Fertility Specialists
- Our platoon of educated fertility croakers and specialists will guide you through the IUI process with care and moxie.
Individualized Treatment Plans Every case’s situation is unique, and our personalized care plans ensure that your specific fertility requirements are met.
State- of- the- Art installations
- With ultramodern technology and advanced fertility treatments, we give a comfortable, safe terrain for all reproductive care procedures.
Choosing IUI at Gandhi Nursing Home gives you access to top-league medical moxie and a devoted platoon concentrated on helping you achieve your thing of gestation.
How successful is IUI?
IUI success rates depend on several factors, such as age, cause of infertility, and whether fertility medications were used. On average, success rates range from 10-20% per cycle but can be higher when used in combination with medications.
Is IUI painful?
The IUI procedure itself is generally not painful. Some women report mild discomfort similar to period cramps, but the process is usually quick and well-tolerated.
How many cycles of IUI are recommended before considering other treatments?
Typically, 3 to 6 IUI cycles are recommended before moving on to other treatments, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), if pregnancy hasn’t been achieved.